Disclaimers and Limitations

WormGuide is an information-only responsible deworming service. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian with any questions regarding your horses results, condition, and worm control program decisions.

1. Due to the biological nature of many of Our Products and Services (including but not limited to the WEC test), there will always be some variation with worm egg count results. A WEC test provides a result at a specific point of time of adult female worm egg laying. Results do not accurately reflect the total adult strongyle or ascarid burden in a horse. While a WEC test gives you and your veterinarian a good indication of how many active egg laying adult worms are in your horse, it is an estimation only.

2. A WEC test does not detect immature or larval stages of worms including migrating large strongyles and ascarids, and encysted small strongyles as at these stages of the worm’s life cycle, they do not lay eggs.

3. Given the nature of Our Products and Services, and the fact that biological material is being sent by post, there is the possibility that samples may be contaminated on delivery back to Us. We provide no representation or warranty regarding contamination. All results are provided on an ‘as is’ basis only.

4. Given the nature of Our Products and Services, and the fact that biological material is being sent by post, in order to ensure the most accurate test results, please ensure that all samples are packaged in accordance with Our directions and returned to Us within the timeframe described in the instructions provided with the Products and Services.