Gold Standard
Resistance Detection Service

WormGuide Equine

4 total reviews

Safeguard your horses` future with the Gold Standard Resistance Detection Service.

  • WormGuide Equine

    Free shipping to you + Priority Post sample shipping to us

  • WormGuide Equine

    Instant results straight to your inbox

  • WormGuide Equine

    Easy to interpret photographic imaging detects the type of worms and number of eggs present in a faecal sample for essential worm control guidance

WormGuide Equine

For young and adult horses
Includes 12 x faecal egg count test kits.
Pre- and post- treatment faecal egg counts on 6 horses in total

WormGuide Equine

Access to specialist vet consult for interpretation of faecal egg count reduction test (FECRT) result and best recommendations

WormGuide Equine

Please note, we are temporarily pausing direct sales to the public as we focus on supporting our valued partner clinics. We look forward to welcoming back our customers soon. Thank you for your understanding.

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Regular price $632.40 AUD
Regular price $927.60 AUD Sale price $632.40 AUD
Sale Sold out
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

Buy in bulk and save!

2-9 Kits $59.50 each and 10 Kits + $57.50 each

Number of horses scale

You can rely on our high precision egg count testing service

WormGuide Equine
Australian owned
and made
WormGuide Equine
WormGuide Equine
Easy to follow 1-2-3
WormGuide Equine
Latest biotech image

Here's what you get

  • Equine parasite control is a big deal. Find out what the experts say about the egg counting technique used by WormGuide.

    We provide everything you need to collect and safely send faecal samples (No hidden costs)

  • Equine parasite control is a big deal. Find out what the experts say about the egg counting technique used by WormGuide.

    We deliver photographic proof of the type and number of intestinal worm eggs (ascarid (roundworm) and strongyle )

  • Equine parasite control is a big deal. Find out what the experts say about the egg counting technique used by WormGuide.

    We report egg types separately

  • Equine parasite control is a big deal. Find out what the experts say about the egg counting technique used by WormGuide.

    We test with superior precision and optimised accuracy

  • Equine parasite control is a big deal. Find out what the experts say about the egg counting technique used by WormGuide.

    We use scientifically validated tech (The International Journal of Veterinary Parasitology 2016)

  • Equine parasite control is a big deal. Find out what the experts say about the egg counting technique used by WormGuide.

    We detect more eggs. Results are reported at 4 eggs per gram (EPG)

  • Equine parasite control is a big deal. Find out what the experts say about the egg counting technique used by WormGuide.

    We deliver more precise analysis and accurate reporting than outdated microscope alternatives, reducing the possibility of misdiagnosis by at least 2000 times

  • Equine parasite control is a big deal. Find out what the experts say about the egg counting technique used by WormGuide.

    We include zero-airflow protection for faecal sample integrity

  • Equine parasite control is a big deal. Find out what the experts say about the egg counting technique used by WormGuide.

    We report the 'true' value of each sample tested

  • Equine parasite control is a big deal. Find out what the experts say about the egg counting technique used by WormGuide.

    We provide increased diagnostic sensitivity

  • Equine parasite control is a big deal. Find out what the experts say about the egg counting technique used by WormGuide.

    We store test records electronically

  • Equine parasite control is a big deal. Find out what the experts say about the egg counting technique used by WormGuide.

    We are an Australia Post biosecurity compliant product

  • Equine parasite control is a big deal. Find out what the experts say about the egg counting technique used by WormGuide.

    We promote a sandwich-bag-free zone and give out eco-friendly pens for writing love notes to your horses

When it comes to faecal worm egg counts not all tests are created equal

This highly accurate and precise faecal egg count test and convenient Kit delivers essential worm control guidance. Rely on the Gold Standard faecal egg count reduction test (FECRT) to test for anthelmintic (dewormer) resistance against an ivermectin or moxidectin treatment on your property. By the time treatment failure is detected resistance is already advanced and changes need to be made. Without this information you are fumbling in the dark. We are the smartest way to worm.

The Gold Standard Resistance Detection Service

WormGuide Equine
Find out if the worms survive deworming treatments
WormGuide Equine
Test 6 strongyle egg positive pre-treatment horses from herd
WormGuide Equine
Test the worm population on your property
WormGuide Equine
Test what you are doing
WormGuide Equine
Safeguard your horses` future
WormGuide Equine
Find out if ivermectin or moxidectin can continue to be used
WormGuide Equine
React in time to contain and manage the situation
WormGuide Equine
Determine horses can continue grazing on pasture
Pre- treatment Collect
  • Use roundworm vs strongyle results to guide dewormer selection for foals and yearlings

    Collect a faecal sample from each horse using Kit contents

  • Send sample in Express Post bag included

    Send samples on the day of collection in the Priority Paid mailer bag included

  • Receive digital image and test results straight to your inbox with exclusive What Do My Results Mean? Guide

    Receive digital image and test results straight to your inbox with
    exclusive What Do My Results Mean? Guide

  • Apply best practice recommendations to make positive changes to your worm control approach

    Confirm all horses are strongyle egg positive. Administer deworming treatment
    to each horse

Post- treatment Collect
  • Use roundworm vs strongyle results to guide dewormer selection for foals and yearlings

    Collect a faecal sample from
    each horse 10-14 days after deworming treatment using Kit contents

  • Send sample in Express Post bag included

    Send samples in Express Post bag included

  • Receive digital image and test results straight to your inbox with exclusive What Do My Results Mean? Guide

    Receive digital image and test results straight to your inbox with
    exclusive What Do My Results Mean? Guide

  • Apply best practice recommendations to make positive changes to your worm control approach

    Receive digital image and test results straight to your inbox with
    exclusive What Do My Results Mean? Guide